stdClass Object
[id] => 4741
[id_tour_1] => 192
[id_tour_2] => 0
[id_region] => 0
[id_organizer] => 6930
[id_areal] => 140
[id_article] => 3092
[id_previous] => 0
[id_gallery] => 0
[title] => Pohár ČLTK - ŽENY START
[description] => Při velkém zájmu zvážíme navýšení kapacity turnaje. (If there is a lot of interest, we will consider increasing the capacity of the tournament.)
Rozlosování a rozpis úvodních zápasů zveřejníme nejpozději večer v den před zahájením turnaje na našem webu. (We will publish the draw and schedule of the opening matches on our website no later than the evening of the day before the start of the tournament.)
[date_start] => 2023-09-03
[date_end] => 2023-09-03
[date_end_apply] => 2023-08-30
[date_end_pay] => 2023-08-30
[city] => Praha 7 - Štvanice
[areal_surface] => antuka
[areal_courts] => 0
[capacity] => 5
[capacity_blocked] => 0
[producer_name] =>
[closed] => 0
[apply_blocked] => 0
[start_fee] => 700
[pay_cash_fee] => 100
[prestige] => 50
[time_attendance] => 08:30:00
[photo] =>
[lock_players] => 1
[lock_scores] => 1
[lock_positions] => 1
[lock_points] => 1
[lock_edit] => 0
[results_published] => 1
[consolidated] => 1
[consolidated_date] => 2023-08-31 07:29:00
[published] => 1
[created_by] => 6303
[modified_by] => 6303
[created] => 2023-07-31 11:39:59
[modified] => 2023-09-05 06:13:49
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
[access] => 1
[asset_id] => 39340
[hits] => 1595
[color] =>
[rating_min] => 0
[rating_max] => 1
[rating_max_avg] => 1
[tour_1_year] => 2023
[tour_1_description] => LADIES START TOUR je seriál turnajů ve dvouhrách pro hráčky hrající v kategorii ŽENY START (začátečnice a mírně pokročilé). Má svůj ročníkový žebříček a uzavírá se finálovým turnajem nejlepších hráček.
[tour_1_logo] =>
[tour_1_published] => 1
[tour_2] =>
[tour_2_year] =>
[tour_2_published] =>
[region] =>
[areal] => I. ČLTK
[areal_logo] => images/stories/com_tournaments/areal_logos/cltk-praha.svg#joomlaImage://local-images/stories/com_tournaments/areal_logos/cltk-praha.svg?width=28&height=28
[areal_www] =>
[areal_published] => 1
[category] => dvouhra ŽENY START
[category_published] => 1
[category_color] => #fc8ce9
[category_code] => DŽ START
[cat_sex] => f
[cat_discipline] => 2
[cat_id] => 6
[rating_required] => 1
[organizer] => Lukáš Vimr
[organizer_phone] => 728 260 791
[organizer_avatar] => avatar_641f522de3040.jpg
[players] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65674
[id_tournament] => 4741
[id_user_a] => 5432
[id_user_b] => 0
[payed_bank] => 0
[payed_bank_orig] => 0
[payed_cash] => 0
[payed_cash_orig] => 0
[payed_credit] => 700
[payed_credit_orig] => 700
[payed_cancel_fee] => 0
[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[ordering] => 1
[ordering_result] => 1
[discount] => 0
[status] => 0
[payed_date] => 2023-08-30 15:09:36
[payed_date_orig] => 2023-08-30 15:09:36
[unexcused] => 0
[inappropriate] => 1
[rating_a] => 2
[rating_b] => 0
[points_category] => 200
[points_tour] => 50
[blocked_capacity] => 0
[canceled_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[status_before_cancel] =>
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[modified_by] => 6303
[created] => 2023-08-30 15:09:36
[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
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[asset_id] => 0
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Lenka
[a_last_name] => Kostková
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 1000
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2018-05-06
[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-06
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
[b_last_name] =>
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[b_mr_date] =>
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[id] => 65641
[id_tournament] => 4741
[id_user_a] => 5932
[id_user_b] => 0
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[payed_cash_orig] => 0
[payed_credit] => 0
[payed_credit_orig] => 0
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[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[ordering] => 2
[ordering_result] => 3
[discount] => 0
[status] => 0
[payed_date] => 2023-09-01 11:47:33
[payed_date_orig] => 2023-09-01 11:47:33
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[rating_b] => 0
[points_category] => 1
[points_tour] => 1
[blocked_capacity] => 0
[canceled_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[status_before_cancel] =>
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[created] => 2023-08-28 08:44:40
[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
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[asset_id] => 39728
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Olga
[a_last_name] => Sedláčková
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 1600
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2019-02-05
[a_mr_date] => 0000-00-00
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
[b_last_name] =>
[b_nick_name] =>
[b_diff_name] =>
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[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65699
[id_tournament] => 4741
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[id_user_b] => 0
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[payed_bank_orig] => 0
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[payed_cash_orig] => 0
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[payed_credit_orig] => 700
[payed_cancel_fee] => 0
[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
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[payed_date] => 2023-08-31 21:11:42
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[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
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[asset_id] => 0
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Kateřina
[a_last_name] => Koldová
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 0
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2018-05-12
[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-12
[b_rating] =>
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[b_mr_date] =>
[players_backup] => Array
[players_cancel] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65667
[id_tournament] => 4741
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[id_user_b] => 0
[payed_bank] => 0
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[payed_cash_orig] => 0
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[payed_credit_orig] => 700
[payed_cancel_fee] => 350
[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 2023-09-01 09:40:59
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[status] => 2
[payed_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
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[canceled_date] => 2023-09-01 11:40:59
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[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Nikola Magdalena
[a_last_name] => Taylor
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 0
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2018-05-10
[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-10
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
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[b_nick_name] =>
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[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65570
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[payed_date_orig] => 2023-08-31 19:05:09
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[note] => zapsáno ručně, platba visela na účtě 31.8.2023 + doplatek 200,- z kreditu
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Regina
[a_last_name] => Fuchsová
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 0
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[a_av_date] => 2021-06-27
[a_mr_date] => 2021-06-27
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
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[note] =>
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[a_nick_name] =>
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[note] =>
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[a_nick_name] =>
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[b_rating] =>
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[a_mr_date] => 2023-03-12
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[note] =>
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[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-12
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[created_by] => 5432
[modified_by] => 6303
[created] => 2023-08-30 15:09:36
[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
[access] => 1
[asset_id] => 0
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Lenka
[a_last_name] => Kostková
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 1000
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2018-05-06
[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-06
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
[b_last_name] =>
[b_nick_name] =>
[b_diff_name] =>
[b_credit] =>
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[b_av_date] =>
[b_mr_date] =>
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65699
[id_tournament] => 4741
[id_user_a] => 5422
[id_user_b] => 0
[payed_bank] => 0
[payed_bank_orig] => 0
[payed_cash] => 0
[payed_cash_orig] => 0
[payed_credit] => 700
[payed_credit_orig] => 700
[payed_cancel_fee] => 0
[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[ordering] => 3
[ordering_result] => 2
[discount] => 0
[status] => 0
[payed_date] => 2023-08-31 21:11:42
[payed_date_orig] => 2023-08-31 21:11:42
[unexcused] => 0
[inappropriate] => 0
[rating_a] => 1
[rating_b] => 0
[points_category] => 160
[points_tour] => 35
[blocked_capacity] => 0
[canceled_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[status_before_cancel] =>
[created_by] => 5422
[modified_by] => 6303
[created] => 2023-08-31 21:11:42
[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
[access] => 1
[asset_id] => 0
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Kateřina
[a_last_name] => Koldová
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 0
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2018-05-12
[a_mr_date] => 2018-05-12
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
[b_last_name] =>
[b_nick_name] =>
[b_diff_name] =>
[b_credit] =>
[b_unreliable] =>
[b_av_date] =>
[b_mr_date] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 65641
[id_tournament] => 4741
[id_user_a] => 5932
[id_user_b] => 0
[payed_bank] => 700
[payed_bank_orig] => 700
[payed_cash] => 0
[payed_cash_orig] => 0
[payed_credit] => 0
[payed_credit_orig] => 0
[payed_cancel_fee] => 0
[payed_cancel_fee_modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[ordering] => 2
[ordering_result] => 3
[discount] => 0
[status] => 0
[payed_date] => 2023-09-01 11:47:33
[payed_date_orig] => 2023-09-01 11:47:33
[unexcused] => 0
[inappropriate] => 0
[rating_a] => 1
[rating_b] => 0
[points_category] => 1
[points_tour] => 1
[blocked_capacity] => 0
[canceled_date] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[status_before_cancel] =>
[created_by] => 5932
[modified_by] => 6303
[created] => 2023-08-28 08:44:40
[modified] => 2023-09-05 08:13:46
[checked_out] =>
[checked_out_time] =>
[access] => 1
[asset_id] => 39728
[note] =>
[a_rating] => 1
[a_first_name] => Olga
[a_last_name] => Sedláčková
[a_nick_name] =>
[a_diff_name] =>
[a_credit] => 1600
[a_unreliable] => 0
[a_av_date] => 2019-02-05
[a_mr_date] => 0000-00-00
[b_rating] =>
[b_first_name] =>
[b_last_name] =>
[b_nick_name] =>
[b_diff_name] =>
[b_credit] =>
[b_unreliable] =>
[b_av_date] =>
[b_mr_date] =>
[can_apply] =>
[can_cancel] =>
[cannot_apply_msg] => Turnaj již proběhl nebo je uzavřen z jiného důvodu.
[cannot_cancel_msg] => Turnaj již proběhl nebo je uzavřen z jiného důvodu.
[can_pay] =>
[can_pay_after_limit] =>
[me_already_signed_elsewhere_today] => 65409
[link_article] => /cs/component/content/article/nedele-14-1-dvouhra-sport-modrany?catid=65&Itemid=101
[photos] => Array
[id_next] => 0
[appropriate_for_user] => 0
[organize_phase] =>
[surfaceClass] => antuka
Hráč: 1K zaplacení:
neděle 3. 9. 2023
dvouhra ŽENY START
Turnaj již proběhl nebo je uzavřen z jiného důvodu.
3 / 5 přihlášených
700 Kč za osobu
(+ 100 Kč za osobu při platbě na místě )
Uzávěrka přihlášek
30. 8. 2023
31. 8. 2023
Lukáš Vimr
Při velkém zájmu zvážíme navýšení kapacity turnaje. (If there is a lot of interest, we will consider increasing the capacity of the tournament.)
Rozlosování a rozpis úvodních zápasů zveřejníme nejpozději večer v den před zahájením turnaje na našem webu. (We will publish the draw and schedule of the opening matches on our website no later than the evening of the day before the start of the tournament.)